Tuesday, September 16, 2014

a guy teaching a girl how to ride

Over the last couple of weeks it has been a whirlwind of activities here In Madagascar!  One image and part of a day that sticks out to me is something that I wanted to share with you here to start this blog off correctly.

I was doing a lot of running around, on scooter, from building to building - through a large group of teachers and police with riot gear and not very far away found a bench to rest on for a few minutes.

While there I noticed not far away from me there was a young man teaching a young lady how to ride a bicycle.  Interesting because just at the end of the street were the teachers that were screaming demands and the police in full riot gear, holding up battons and shields to protect themselves from swinging arms and anything that might get thrown. They had even tossed out tear gas to disperse the group and they were still going strong.

This couple acted as if they were the only people on that street and did not seem to mind the other activities going on around them.  She would look at him nervously and he would pat her on the shoulder with one hand while never taking the other hand off the bicycle, just under the seat.  Really this looked important to me because it is at the center of the bike and just under the rider.  He had the ability to steady the bike when it looked like it was going to crash and pull her back if she got out of control.

Seems to me that our relationship with GOD is sometimes like this - he steadies us, and keeps us from falling, and often times is found letting go and letting us direct the bike.  The boy was never far from her even if he let go of the bike --- he would run alongside of the bike making sure to catch her if she looked like she would fall. Nice to know that the outstretched arm of the Lord is with us at all times and he never has to let go.  We might feel that way but HE IS nearer than we think.

Monday, September 15, 2014

WELCOME - tongasoa

WELCOME is a NON-Profit business registered at a 501c3 with a tax id for charitible contributions, to help get women and children off the streets.

How we are going about this is different --- we are working at creating CARE CENTERS.  Small places in strategic locations to teach Women and young children how to work at a trade, learn how to read and write (Malagasy and English), how to find identity in CHRIST - not what people tell them about themselves or the life that they have been living.  We are working with small businesses' across Madagascar and talking with the business owners, or the people that would like to start small businesses.

We ask them to make a commitment:
Give back 10% of your profits into a CARE CENTER 
Teach individuals a trade (one that you do for your business)
Meet their basic physical needs and teach them how to perpetuate this forward

WE are excited to see what happens and how this moves forward... If you are interested in joining us in the process, through donations of funds, time or supplies then please contact:

Nicole Rauch      nicole@welcome-tongasoa.org or wakiex3@gmail.com